Saturday, December 28, 2013

Energy -- Live kindly - See results

 In looking forward to the New Year, we look with renewed hope to a rise in vibration and focus on the spirit. 
A unique and wonderfully fresh approach to higher forms of thinking about our world and its need for healing.

Less of the ego and more of compassion for all LIFE.

Since everything is energy and is intricately connected, what we think and say become tangible subjects, especially the more they are focused upon with intent.
Intent is the KEY to any magickal or energy work. 

                                Energy simply IS

It flows throughout us and throughout the vast cosmos in ever expanding and contracting rhythms. It is a sentient intelligent force yet lays no judgement upon its surroundings.

It is OUR INTENT that renders energy "good" or "bad", hurtful or helpful.  

Even Reiki, in which we become the vessel for and welcome it to flow through us for healing purposes, is neutral but we must intend for it to flow through us from the Universal Source.
Reiki can do NO harm. It simply goes to where it is needed and heals. But we set our intentions when we begin a Reiki session. Even though we are simply the conduit, we still ask  permission for it to flow for higher purposes.We still have an intention.

Some things we can practice on a daily basis to help with situations in our lives are to balance our energy, focus on intent, and let go of or transmute ego driven emotions which always, in every circumstance, begin with FEAR.
Fear is the ultimate ground shaker of our spiritual foundation. ( More on that in a future blog )

We spend a lot of time trying to put up sheilds and block negative energies and emotions, but what if we instead took the time to simply transmute that energy to a more positively balanced vibration of energetic resource?
Simply put :  Live kindly.
The act of kindness itself transmutes negative energy. 
When you are in a bad mood or feeling blue, it can be difficult to motivate yourself to do anything about it. We all get caught in those traps now and again, but the good news is we always have a choice of what we wish to do with our situation. 
Here are a few suggestions to lighten your mood, quell frustration, or calm your temper, and change your energy pattern :

1. Do a quick smudge.  An entire smuding ritual is not necessary. You can do a quick 5 minute smudge and focus on transmuting ( changing ) energy.

2. Take a walk in nature. Nature - The ultimate healer

3.  Spend time with animal friends. Just sitting and petting your dog can change your energy and set the tone for a better day almost immediately.

4. Be charitable. Help someone in need. No greater joy is there than in the spirit of giving.

5. Meditate. Aagin, this does not have to be elaborate. Sitting quietly and concentrating on deep breathing is a simple yet very effective mode of changing and balancing energy.

I hope your day is filled with many reasons to smile.
Bright blessings!
Raven aka The Reiki Wytch

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NatureSpirit Relaxation Therapies

NatureSpirit Relaxation Therapies
Raven Meindel R.H. , INHA