Saturday, January 18, 2014

What is all this confusing energy? And what can we do?

I have had more than one client come to me recently feeling as if they are having a "string of bad luck" or "feeling as if I'm cursed."

At present, there is an influx of what can be interpreted as both negative and positive forces of energy converging upon our planet Earth. (Remember, energy is simply energy at first. It has to be assigned intent to do whatever work it does.)
Gaia is letting this be known in many varied and sometimes quite violent ways ( ie : tornadoes, tsunamis, super storms, floods, etc. )
Along with these catastrophic natural occurrences we have also seen some of the most horrendous crimes and violent acts by humans this world has ever known. 
                                    It feels as if we are coming apart at the seams. 
We are experiencing more serious breakdowns in relationships, financial struggles, illness, anxieties,  pain, and tremendous stress in general.
Yet, in the midst of all of this chaos, individuals are also suddenly noticing talents and gifts they don't recall having before, and those who have been practicing their gifts already for a time, have observed profound positive changes in themselves and their skills, not to mention an increase in spiritual awareness. An expanding and heightening of their sensitivities.  Leaps and bounds in progression of psychic talents.
                                          Lightworkers are coming out in force.
                          Folks, this is no coincidence!

We are, right now at this very moment, experiencing both a breakdown of an old foundation and the process at work of beginning to rebuild a new and better existence in this reality. 
Both of these intentional forces activating at the same time can sometimes make us feel individually - and as a whole - as if we are spiraling down into insanity and going stark-raving mad. They can make us feel fatigued and ill, and even depressed or anxious.
These polar opposites can pull and push at us and make us feel the duality so intensely that some may even have daily "breakdowns" and cry for what seems to be no reason whatsoever.
There IS a reason, however......


                                          The world is changing, we are changing. 

  Change is inevitable. But how we choose to cope with it is within our grasp of control.
We will definitely feel the brunt of these changes. Some in more powerful ways than others.
But what can we do to alleviate some of the stress and cope with the challenges we all will surely face at some point during this much needed adjustment period?
We can give and receive healing - such as Reiki, Chakra Balancing, and Healing Touch -we can reach out to our neighbor who is suffering or in need of a helping hand, or even offer something to someone as simple as a sincere smile. These things all express and promote HOPE.
We can send more positive thoughts out into our communities and less negative ones. 
For instance, instead of projecting thoughts ( which, remember, become tangible  with energetic intent ) out to the world like  "This world is a mess. I am doomed.", we could instead focus on thinking " I am safe. All is well in my world"
" I'm so broke. I have nothing! ",  could be transformed to " My life is blessed. I have all I could ever want or need. "
                           Difficult if you're currently angry or feeling hopeless, right?

But NOT impossible. 
The more positive vibes we send out, the more the world responds positively back. 
Just imagine, if we were to do this on a whole, everyone together in force for our greater good, what we could accomplish!
But, as the old saying goes "Rome wasn't built in a day". These changes will take time and patience.


Just for today, be slow to anger, and quicker to lend someone a helping hand.
Just for today, let go of anger and resentment, and instead send Love.

We can make a difference.  We can do more than we have in the past been led to believe we can do.
You are powerful! KNOW this!

Bright blessings to you all on this beautiful gift of a day,
The Reiki Wytch


NatureSpirit Relaxation Therapies

NatureSpirit Relaxation Therapies
Raven Meindel R.H. , INHA